Teacher & Parents, I’ve got your back! Why might you follow Shift Education? You’re a parent, a teacher, or both and wonder what the H E double hockey sticks is […]
Women Winning in RIO
Women in Rio have been top performers. Sexism is tired and ready to die a quick and useful death for all the young people in the world to benefit. Have […]
Amy Schumer on Bodies
Okay, I’ve never had an eating disorder, but I’ve always and still do flirt with my old friends ‘Sugar’ and ‘Eating Whatever I Want.’ Two old friends that have been there for me all along. Recently, I’ve developed a closer relationship with ‘Salty,’ he is really tasty and again very loyal, always close by when I need him.
Our relationship with food matters, and what matters more is your health, being comfortable in whatever body, shape, size, height, colour, hair, teeth, feet…you have.
Time to get over ourselves and move for health.
I mean, can we focus our attention on something other then our level of hotness for a second. Tones of things matter more then hotness, like #Laughter #Fun #Friends #Family #Romance #Sex #Sleep #Eating BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU’VE GOT
Thanks @amyschumer for helping us all laugh at our ridiculous selves a little more.
Have a laugh with @amyschumer and @TheEllenShow
Private Parts & Preschoolers
Preschoolers are real adventurers. One 5 year old I know is extra careful when out hiking with her mum. In the trail, she turned to her mum and whispered, “We […]
Happiness looks like
Let me tell you about these two young people. Kiera had been asking her boyfriend Matt for a ring for quite sometime — think years. He had been delivering several […]